NetForum Enterprise Zoom Integration

Streamline setup and engage your members with NetForum Enterprise + Zoom

How does the integration work?

What are the benefits?


Save Staff Time

With this handy integration you can real-time sync events, sessions, and registrations for Zoom Webinars and Meetings. Track event and session attendance based on Zoom’s attendance report. Additionally, auto-generate CEUs based on attendance. No more importing registrant and attendee data from one system to another.


User Friendly

This helpful integration is built with NetForum Enterprise’s latest UI and integration framework. The easy-to-use and predictable interface allows for controls at both the global and event/session level.

Deeper Reporting

Get deeper insights with streamlined reporting. Retire disparate data sources and populate webinar metrics directly on the member record. Accurately track webinar ID, registrant ID, and join URLs. Easily create polls that link to the Survey module.
Integrate with Zoom today

Fill out the form below to discuss this integration with your Client Account Manager.

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Want more cool stuff?

Visit the NetForum Enterprise Services Catalog for additional information on add-ons, training, and more.